Embers to Bonfire: Kindling Hope in the Later Years

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Today, dear friends, I confess to a touch of laziness. The sun paints long, warm fingers across my windowsill, tempting me to simply bask and breathe. It’s a privilege earned, this slowing of the pace, this savoring of quiet moments. Like the setting sun itself, I’m entering a new phase, a golden time bathed in a different kind of light.

And as I sit here, the words of the prophet shimmer in my mind: “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28) It’s a promise that transcends age, a reminder that life’s embers hold an ever-burning spark.

Though my steps may not be as sprightly, my heart brims with the same wonder as those young visionaries. Every sunrise ignites a fresh curiosity, every wrinkle on my hand whispers a story. The world, with its vibrant tapestry of experiences, unfolds before me like a well-worn yet precious book, each page whispering secrets meant to be shared.

So, dear friends, don’t shed tears for a slowing pace. See it as a deepening, a chance to savor the richness of each moment. Let us all, young and old, embrace the dreams that dance in the twilight, the prophecies whispered on the wind. For the embers of our lives, when fanned with love and hope, can still ignite a bonfire that warms the generations to come.

Remember, the Spirit knows no age. It flows through the laughter of children, the wisdom of elders, and the quiet contemplation of a golden afternoon. Let us open our hearts to its embrace, and together, dream dreams that paint the future with vibrant hues.

2 thoughts on “Embers to Bonfire: Kindling Hope in the Later Years

    Anonymous said:
    February 12, 2024 at 6:11 pm

    Abba Father has blessed u. A heart full of gratitude for the gift of writing He has given u.


    croneskeep said:
    February 27, 2024 at 7:12 am

    Keep that tinder and kindling dry.

    Liked by 2 people

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